Help on the route – 20 učesnika projekta

The Ana and Vlade Divac Foundation provided capacity building grants and training for 20 CSOs along the Balkan Route in Serbia and Macedonia with the aim to build a network of CSOs and enhance their capacities in terms of Human Rights monitoring, reporting and referral to competent institutions. The Help on the route network is part of the project “Help on the Route- Fostering protection of human rights of migrants passing through Macedonia and Serbia” implemented by the Ana and Vlade Divac Foundation in partnership with ASB, NSHC, and and the Macedonian Helsinki Committee. The Project is financed by the European Union Initiative for Democracy and Human Rights.

From jun 2017 to December 2018  the Help on the route network will work on development and deployment of networks Quick Response mechanism defining the set of rules and procedures for CSOs, by which to act when approached by migrants in need for human rights’ protection and to efficiently cooperate with local governments, domestic and international institutions. The organizations will build their capacities  to competently and timely provide the immediate assistance to the migrants whose human rights have been violated and  to address the potential issues of human right violations identified in the field, in such a way to report those cases to both domestic and international institutions.


Organization Country                     Project
NGO Civic Development MAC Help on the route
Open gate/La strada MAC Toward a better future through mental health care
Legis MAC Humanitarian and human rights support in transit border reception centers
Regional centre for sustainable development RCOR Gevgelija MAC Support me , protect me – I am a human !
City Red Cross od Skopje – Macedonia MAC Psycho-social aid, First Aid and Self-aid  to the Migrants, First Responders and Disaster Relief Workers Through the Route crossing Macedonia
ADRA Srbija SRB Effective Integration of Migrant Children in Formal Education
Belgrade Centre for Human Rights SRB Providing free legal aid to asylum seekers and refugees in Serbia
Center for Activism Vranje SRB Kindling a stronger migration response
Centre Inventiva SRB Outreach mobile support
Crisis Response and Policy Centre SRB Better access to the anti-discriminatory and human rights protection mechanisms for the refugee/migrant populations in Serbia
CZKD-Center for Cultural Decontamination SRB The Young Migrants Guide to the Human Rights Galaxy
Initiative for Development and Cooperation IDC, Serbia SRB Initiative for Development and Cooperation
International consortium for solidarity IKS SRB Provision of Legal and Psycho -Social Assistance for Migrants in South Serbia Route
Jesuit Refugee Service SRB What really happened
Sigma plus SRB Net support
Balkan Centre for Migration and Humanitarian Activities (BCM) SRB Legal protection of migrants in Preševo, Bujanovac and Beograd
Centre for Education Policy SRB Ensuring right to education-capacity building of staff working with migrants
Organizacija za razvoj i demokratiju Bujanovac SRB Support to women – in move and applying for asylum
Pomoc deci SRB Capacity building for protecting migrants in Serbia from
human rights violation
Psychosocial Innovation Network (PIN) SRB Monitoring accessibility of psychosocial support to refugees in Serbia

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